Hot Import Nights, Guam, G4 Tv Added: Aug 23, 2007
Description: RevTv brought Hot Import Nights to Guam, and Street Fury with host Big C was there to capture it all on film. This is the episode that aired on G4 Tv
Aug 8th 1993 an 8.2 earthquake hit Guam, we had to destroy a 'ton' of bombs that were damaged in the aftermath. Here is a video set to music of this event.
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Category: Entertainment Tags: Bomb Ammo Guam IYAAYAS EOD MK82 earthquake Foldy island 2wox1 461
These clips are from a 60 min documentary about the Chamorro (Guamanian) in the years surrounding WWII. Not yet American citizens, they nonetheless clung steadfastly - sometimes to the death - to their patriotism toward America while the occupying Japanese forced them into slave labor. Told through oral histories interwoven with pre-war and WWII footage this is the untold story of these Pacific islanders. Find more information at
Category: People & Blogs Tags: Guam WWII Chamorros Agana 3rd Marine Division 77th Army concentration camps Agat
These clips are from a 60 min documentary about the Chamorro (Guamanian) in the years surrounding WWII. Not yet American citizens, they nonetheless clung steadfastly - sometimes to the death - to their patriotism toward America while the occupying Japanese forced them into slave labor. Told through oral histories interwoven with pre-war and WWII footage this is the untold story of these Pacific islanders. Find more information at
Category: People & Blogs Tags: WWII Guam liberation Agana Japanese Chamorros concentration camps forced labor George Tweed Marines 77th Army
This clip is from a 60 min documentary about the Chamorro (Guamanian) in the years surrounding WWII. Not yet American citizens, they nonetheless clung steadfastly - sometimes to the death - to their patriotism toward America while the occupying Japanese forced them into slave labor. Told through oral histories interwoven with pre-war and WWII footage this is the untold story of these historic Pacific islanders. Find more information and purchase at
Category: People & Blogs Tags: Pacific islanders WW2 Chamorros Japanese Agana Guam
Blog includes but not limited to: personal interests, dilettante daybook entries, assorted island information, possibly some humor, plus a little bit slambook, and a touch of soapbox on occasion.
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I l...
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